In 2005, after our honeymoon, my wife and I visited some friends in NYC and I took a visit to B&H photo and found new stock of the legendary FA* 85 f1.4. The Pentax specialist urged me to pick it up while they had them in stock, but I stewed on it overnight, returning the next morning to find that the 2 in stock were sold immediately after I left. I dreaded that day over the last 4 years.
With the recent release of the new DA* 55 f1.4, Pentax has essentially restored the beauty of that classic "85mm look and feel." Their new 55 mm, SDM driven, and weathersealed replacement delivers an 82.5mm field of view, considering the conversion factor. This new DA*55 will take the place for all the tasks that I would have normally assigned to the 85, full frame view.
Concurrently, I now use the DA 35 macro limited to restore the traditional "normal" field of view that a 'fast 50' did for full frame. The 52.5mm field of view simulates the nostalgic look of the normal full frame 50.
These 2 lenses have quickly become my prime "duo of choice" for walk-around and all-purpose photography.
All images shot handheld, raw and converted to 4-star jpeg using in-camera conversion and applying some of the creative built in filters of the Pentax K20.
DA* 55 In-camera raw to jpeg normal setting (1/60 , f1.4, focus pt at inner corner of eyelid)