Thursday, March 10, 2011

Today's Upload - Lighter Than I Expected

The Unicorn Tears Inner Strength sold out very quickly. I hope those of you who wanted one were able to get it. I briefly contemplated it, but will hold out for the UT Scoop Neck. I think I need the black neckline to frame my face because the UT on me was overwhelming.

The Unicorn Tears Downtime Jacket is totally wild and a type of print that I would wear for maximizing visibility when cycling. It's fun but not something I would get. As some people have written it reminds them of the 80s and I have to agree.

Not all the newest Swiftlys were uploaded but this one looks washed out compared to how it looks in person. The sleeves are very definitely pink. It's probably the prettiest swiftly I've seen yet.

Did many of you order the Pure Balance jacket? I love mine! I wore it all day yesterday - first to spin, then to shop, and then to watch my son's soccer scrimmage game. It's like a luon Scuba except way softer. I love the big pockets I can stuff my hands into when I get chilled. I was a little hesitant to get it because I'd rather buy two or three tanks instead of one jacket but I really like this one.

I thought there would be a ton more stuff showing up today, especially with all the new CRBs showing up in the stores. I think the Stratus Wunder Unders and latest Groove Wunder Unders still haven't shown up yet, have they? Where are the Wren Still crops I have read about? Where are the silver luon Wunder Unders I spotted in Carlsbad weeks ago? Weird.

Mini Rant - It drives me absolutely bonkers when I see wrinkles in the tanks like this and it HAPPENS ALL THE TIME. What the hell is the photographer looking at when he takes the photo?  What is the web content editor looking at? Where is the attention to detail? The Facebook Lulu This Just In site has turned into a bit of a fashion parade with many people posting their outfits of the day. And you know what? They all wear the clothes better than the web model. ALL. Every last person. The clothes are the right size - not baggy, not loose, and not wrinkled. I don't know what's going on but the blond model always has wrinkles in her tops. Arghhh.

What did you all order today?