Wednesday, April 1, 2009

And I Thought They Smelled Bad on the OUTSIDE

OK I am having a super busy week from hell, hence the dearth of posting activity, but today I bring to you the Tauntaun sleeping bag from ThinkGeek. This potentially wonderful design has dimensions which can only be described as child-sized, which really puzzles me considering the fact that Han Solo and Luke Skywalker fit into one in The Empire Strikes Back.

I guess the geeks don't give a damn about continuity. Or perhaps they are evil geeks who slaughter Tauntaun...pups? Lambs? Cubs? Whatever, we'll go with Tauntaun young. Its sick no matter which way you look at it. ThinkGeek, more like SickGeek, amirite? Yeah.

$39.99 here

via dvice