Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Design Collective Gallery and Boutique Write-Up on CH

Design Collective is a showcase for Minneapolis-area designers located on 26th St. West between Hennepin Ave. and Fremont Ave.. Someone else of note lives on that very block, so it should not be surprising that the people from Cool Hunting gave it a positive write-up. Read it here.


That's right kids, this weekend Friday April 3rd to Sunday the 5th


Not exactly the traditional block party...but it will be awesome none the less.

All shoes new & old are going to be ON SALE!!!

That means you can get BRAND NEW kicks for less. Plus shoes will be starting as low as $20!!!

There will be Heels, flats, dress shoes, boots and more.

Monday, March 30, 2009


Hey doods & doodettes!

Our long time fwends, VOLCOM (heard of them?) have done a feature on FLAVOUR! for their website VOLCOM.COM

It's online right now HERE
Go there now and peep the interview with us, and the dope photos I took. ;)

see, now you don't have to act like you know.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Where the Wild Things Are Trailer

Brit Insurance Designs of the Year 2009

I don't know what "Brit Insurance" is, but they sponsor this award for Designs of the Year, which is hosted by the Design Museum. There are seven award categories including architecture, fashion, and graphics.

I'm fairly certain I don't understand the criteria for a winner, given some of the weird crap that's been announced thus far, but it is still interesting to see what is getting people pumped up. Below are some images of things that are cool looking and psuedo-functional, at least on a webpage.

SENZ XL Storm Umbrella

Magno Wooden Radio by Singgih S. Kartono

Ipogeo - Tasklight for Artemide

via CH

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Japan Beats the US in Awesomeness Again

I like to tell people who don't live in my fair state that the best thing about California is the ability to wake up in the morning and go surfing, then head out to the mountains and go snowboarding, then cruise down to a lake and go wakeboarding, and still be home in time for dinner.

This awesome day is theoretically possible from just about anywhere in the state, but it carries a rather large carbon footprint, and you would still spend less time enjoying all these fun activities than you would driving from one to the next. Probably why this sentiment is more descriptive than it is literal.

Enter some Japanese train wizards, who are planning on making a feat of this sort not just greener, but actually practical.

According to this article in the Los Angeles Times, Japan plans to build a train by 2025 that will get a passenger from Nagoya to Tokyo (a trip of about 220 miles) in less than 40 minutes. That's right - they expect this train to travel at more than 300 miles an hour.

What up US inventors! Why are we letting the Japanese leave us in the dust with this crazy amazing train! If we brought this tecnhology to California, I could wake up for an early morning surf session at Ocean Beach, change, and hop on abullet train to Northstar in time for first tracks! Hell, at those speeds, I could leave the slopes at noon to hit LA for some early afternoon waves, and STILL make it back to SF in time for dinner.

Wait a minute - That some train from LA to Vegas would only take an hour? Might need to take a rain check on that dinner back home...

Kyouei Design: Liquid Bookmarks and Lamps

At this point I think everyone has seen stuff like this, but I am really impressed by the lamps by Kyouei Design. Kyouei is Japanese for "4 vowels plus Y in a 6 letter word."

You can get the bookmarks at designboom and Kyouei's website. The lamps are only available here. Prices are in Japanese Yen and I am not converting it for you. You need to start doing things for yourself. I'm tired of carrying this entire operation on my broad, muscular shoulders. In fact, I quit. Good luck, jerks.

via CH

Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Lab

Sold for only two years (1951-52), the Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Lab is way cooler than any chemistry set I had when I was little. Way cooler. Why? Because the Atomic Energy Lab comes complete with your very own radioactive ore!

'The set came with four types of uranium ore, a beta-alpha source (Pb-210), a pure beta source (Ru-106), a gamma source (Zn-65?), a spinthariscope, a cloud chamber with its own short-lived alpha source (Po-210), an electroscope, a geiger counter, a manual, a comic book (Dagwood Splits the Atom) and a government manual "Prospecting for Uranium."'

Two things in that stocklist blow my mind. "Dagwood Splits the Atom" and "Prospecting for Uranium."

Dagwood. Splits the Atom. The guy named after a sandwich. Why not Dennis the Menace? Or how about Hagar the Horribe? I mean Beetle Bailey is more appropriate than Dagwood. At least he is in the military.

Now this is a chemistry set I can get behind.

the re-up!

ya ya'll! Flavour underwent some reno-911 over the weekend... guys stuff is now right up front and the women get a fancy / fresh new look at the back. the shoe wall is extended and now allows us to get MORE shoes up and in your face!! c'mon in and check it.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Anna Kournikova imagen de K-Swiss.

steel incorpora a sus filas K-Swiss, para introducirse y conocer la marca de calzado aquí os dejo este articulo.

La relación entre Anna Kournikova y la marca K-SWISS ha llegado finalmente a transformarse en un nuevo contrato publicitario que tomará la imagen de Kournikova para su campaña publicitaria compuesta por anuncios en televisión y en medios (revistas, etc).

Munich Goal 494

Novedad en steel Valencia, Munich Goal 494.

Friday, March 20, 2009

UNO Pop Mag

Ya tenemos disponible tu ejemplar gratuito de la revista Uno Pop. Pasa a recogerla por las tiendas:
C/ San Jose de Calasanz, 22 Valencia
C/ Ronda Magdalena, 30 Castellon.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Important Artifacts and Personal Property from the Collection of Lenore Doolan and Harold Morris, Including Books, Street Fashion, and Jewelry

Wow. So that's a mouthful, and it reads like the title of an auction catalog because that is precisely what it is. The tale of the relationship between Lenore Doolan and Harold Morris is told through the sale of their mutual belongings, some with personal annotations that reveal in more detail the rise and demise of love.

The author, Leanne Shapton (illustrator and art director for the NYT op-ed page), said she came up with the idea while purchasing some of Truman Capote's belongings at an auction. She said the items revealed a great deal about how Capote lived his last days in California. The Times has a review up if you want to read more, check it out.

I guess initially most people will say that its a commentary on the consumer culture we live in; that our lives can be distilled into the things we own. I prefer to look at it as a compliment: these people clearly owned things that amounted to a large collection of pieces which at least one (fictional) auction house thought were culturally significant enough to try and sell.

Like it or not, what you and I choose to own says a great deal about who we are. If you try not to let the things you own define you, the things you own will define you as a person who doesn't wish to be defined by his or her things, and you will therefore fail to be indefinable. It's science. It's also a hamster wheel of death, complete with diseased squirrels and venemous pigeons.

I apologize for being philosophical...I'm really just bored. What are you doing? Fun stuff? No? Yeah me either. I've got the TV on and I'm also occasionally screaming at my cat until he wakes up. My cat hates me.

Oh and the book has also been optioned for a movie already...and Brad Pitt and Natalie Portman are set to star. Read all about it here.

via variety mobile

Boxed Water Is Better

Boxed water. This is obvious, but for some reason new? I can only surmise that someone has, in the past, tried to keep bottled water in a carton with poor result. Or maybe we're all idiots and these guys are smart. Either way, the container is 90% paper and can be recycled out of the bin in most areas. The Grand Rapids, Michigan-based company is actively seeking new markets, so if you're interested, go here and let them know. 10% of the proceeds go to water conservation projects and 10% goes to reforestation and responsible forestry projects.

via CH

How GM Destroyed the Electric Car - Video

We all know that the electric car (EV1) was created by GM and then discontinued a few years later. There has been much discussion as to why this is, and some "conspiracy theorists" think that GM orchestrated a malevolent ad campaign against their own car to make it look bad so people wouldn't buy it. I thought it would be a good idea to look into this a little further and see if we could tease out the truth. Here is a commercial GM made for the EV1 but which never aired:

Pretty good right? Here is the commercial GM actually aired:

Now, as someone in the advertising industry, I can break down for you in very technical ways which one of these is a good commercial and which one isn't. That being said, I don't think anyone reading this really needs my help there.

One looks futuristic and very similar to other car commercials we have seen. The other has dark music, lightning storms and living appliances scrambling around a creepy house.

One of these is hands down a better commercial then the other -- in fact -- the other is a downright bad commercial. Yet that is the one GM chose to run during the superbowl when those ads where costing literally millions of dollars for a thirty second spot. Conspiracy or stupidity? You be the judge.

celebrate originality

Hey everyone,

Right now if you pick up some kicks from ADIDAS you’ll receive a FREE gift with purchase!! We’ve got wicked eco-bags (purple & green) Buttons, lanyards and some other cool stuff! You don’t even have to buy something full price! This deal goes for all the ADIDAS SALE shoes that are out at 50% OFF!

Help us celebrate originality with ADIDAS – Get some fresh kicks for the spring (1st day of spring is TOMORROW!!!) and get some FREE stuff to go with it…



Now, I don't wanna name drop...but...Young Jeezy, Beckham, Missy, Russell Simmons, Katy Perry, Method Man, Red Man, Stan Smith (and a bunch more) all rocking the ADIDAS house party. This commercial is so dope, which is something I don't say often...so you should probably peep it. (and don't keep it a secret)


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Make Things

A clever take on an English WWII poster. I was inspired to make all sorts of things, like this post, and by way of inclusion, this very sentence! It really works!

via boinboing

100 Amazing Flickr Collections for Architecture Buffs

So I saw this over on Core77 and thought I'd check it out. The list is on the Graduate Degree Blog, which is, according to the byline, the "Ultimate Source for Getting an Online Graduate Degree." Wow. Okay. Well I don't really know what the Ultimate Source is doing posting these Flickr groups, but in the grand scheme of things, I couldn't really care less, so let's move on.

The list is broken down into 11 sub-categories with clever names like 'Home' and 'General' and 'Periods,' and each sub-category has links to flickr groups with lots of pictures of buildings. By lots, I mean hundreds of thousands of images of varying quality. Seriously, about 1 out of 50 caught my eye, and the volumes are so massive it's difficult to get your head around these mothers.

The only one I can recommend outright is the Castles group. Some really amazing stuff in there from castillos del todo el mundo.

Recycled Necktie & Suit Wallet

While I question the durability of these recycled necktie and suit wallets, there is no denying that the concept of reusing old ties and suits is both green-minded and not a bad recession buster. Whatever that means. I guess that's all contextual, since the wallet will cost you $28 here, but buying a used tie at goodwill probably runs about $5, so it certainly isn't doing you any favors, but whoever makes them is probably cackling maniacally and barking at the moon. Because he's a dog. Or something. I don't know.

You ever have one of those days where you just kind of stare blankly at the screen while your fingers continue to dance across the keyboard, and after three or four minutes you look down to find nothing but gibberish and disjointed thoughts? No? Fuck you then.

via uncrate

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Great Sustainable Food Resource

I think that my love of food is the number two reason why I am so interested in green (right after my love of the ocean, which is coincidentally related to my love of food). Anyway, since moving to San Francisco I have been just totally inundated with the most unbelievable fresh, organic, hormone free fair trade (yada yada yada) fruits, vegetables and meats. The stuff is really everywhere. I even get it delivered to my home once a week thanks to my local CSA.

Recently I had some friends in town who were complaining that they just can't get food like this near them. While that is somewhat true, I told them that there are almost no places in this great country where you can't get fresh fruits and veggies at a farmers market or participate in a CSA if you really take the time to make it happen. The variety may not be as good as it is here, but there is no need to subsist on a Safeway diet.

So I introduced my friends to this great site where you can find local farmers markets, CSA's recipes - you name it. Everything you need for healthy, organic food.


China Wants Importers to Cover Emission Costs

Chinese officials, speaking about the current negotiations on a worldwide climate change treaty, said Monday that anyone importing Chinese goods should be held responsible for the carbon dioxide emitted by the factories that make them:

"About 15 percent to 25 percent of China's emissions come from the products which we make for the world, which should not be taken by us," said Gao Li, director of China's Department of Climate Change.

Oh-oh. Looks like our cheap Chinese labor – and the amazing gadgets and toys it produces – are about to get a whole lot more expensive.

Gao added that "this share of emission should be taken by the consumers, not the producers" and called the demand a "very important item to make (for a) fair agreement."

This is a very interesting proposal which reflects an equally inconvenient truth – a large portion of China’s carbon emissions come from manufacturing, and a large portion of that manufacturing is for products which are not consumed in China. However, this deal has a few ways of working, none of which work nearly as well as a straight carbon tax. My flow charts:

Carbon tax > More expensive for companies to operate > Higher costs passed on to the consumer > Chinese government get more money. Grade = A


China makes no changes at all > Importers have to pay a carbon tax > Higher costs passed on to the consumer > Someone gets this money, but it is not necessarily the Chinese government. Grade = B


China makes no changes at all > Importers make no changes at all > Importing countries are required to offset the emissions > Importing countries do nothing as they are already struggling to meet their own carbon reduction goals > The world gets hotter until we all die. Grade C-

Once again, it is very important to understand that China is getting a really bad deal no matter what happens. While we (we being the West, and America in particular) were industrializing, we spewed tons of carbon into the air, basically causing the situation we are in now. Now that China is industrializing, we are trying to stick them with the same responsibilities we have in cleaning up this mess, even though they caused a significantly smaller part of it. Even though we are spewing roughly the same amount of carbon today, the lifetime carbon footprint of our respective countries is still skewed way in favor of American output. Additionally, on a per capita basis, America still spews 3x as much CO2 into the atmosphere as China does.

While I think China is essentially trying to get off the hook by proposing what I am almost certain is the #3 scenario above, we all need to recognize that Western countries have a much bigger responsibility here than the Chinese. Getting them involved in the process is very important, but it is no excuse to stop taking action on our own right away.

Image provided by Rennett Stowe


SIZE : 31


SIZE: 30

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Band of Outsiders x Sperry Deconstructed Boat Shoe

LA-based designers Band of Outsiders team with Sperry to turn old-fashioned boat shoes inside out, literally (heh heh heh). Available in the three styles pictured at Tres Bien for stupid amounts of money.

New York Delft by Lovegrove & Repucci

A really cool take on porcelain dinnerware from The Future Perfect collective of designers.  It's refreshing to see innovation like this in an area most people equate with stuffy family dinners at grandma's house.  Stuffy dinners like Thanksgiving, complete with turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, and I forgot what I was talking about before...

$100 per place setting here.

Friday, March 13, 2009


Yeah ya'll...

Peep this mixtape. It's a BIGGIE tribute album from a bunch of MCs. I acutally havn't listened to it yet...but it's supposed to be DOPE. Let me know what ya think.

Get it HERE.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

FAIL stickers

failblog.org has brought us some of the most memorable moments in failure since the dawn of the internets.  Now you can get the real FAIL instead of a Photochop via failsticker.com.  $5 for 5 on the low end, $24.95 for 50(!) up high.  


Nos acaban de llegar estas 2 novedades de Vans.