Friday, February 26, 2010



close up
tag: MAJIC
condition: NEW without tag
(bought at JASON MRAZ Australia Tour 2009 at Brisbane)
size: S
price: RM68

MOBY baby-t


condition: NEW without TAG
(bought at one of the well known music store at Brisbane,Aussie)
price: RM 68

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Gear up for Spring Break with the crew at The Board Room. Save 10% on board shorts and apparel from Volcom and Reef! 10-50% OFF on all footwear from Reef, NIKE 6.0, C1RCA and ADIO. All winter outerwear and apparel 30-50% OFF and Snowboards and Skis SALE priced for the event.

VANS Spring 2010

Holy crap. We have a ton of vans in...and yes, I know I say we have a ton of stuff all the time...but this is like...A TON! haha. Seriously though...these pics are just the tip of the ice many styles & colours to check out. From flashy to classy...our shoe wall is crazy. Definitely the best selection for sneakers in all of downtown. + we've got a lot more coming in too!


The Board Room just received a new shipment of shoes for spring. We have styles for men and women. Choose from the new Zoom Converge, Air Mogan Mid, Air Mogan, Braata and the women's Balsa. Come and check'em out!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


WeSC offers a look into their new 2010 Activist Headphone Collection. Activists spanning from DJ/producer Stretch Bongo, The Berrics skate park, Baltimore-bass man Pase Rock, Italian production duo Crookers, and artist Matthew Weinstein were each treated to their own signature pair of Bongo headphones.

El fenómeno Munny llega a steel.

Por si aun queda alguien sin saberlo los Munny Dolls son muñecos de vinyl en blanco, es decir, son muñecos para diseñar.

Hace ya un buen tiempo la tienda Kidrobot, una de las más importantes tiendas de juguetes, fundada desde 2002 por el diseñador Paul Budnitz y especializada en la venta de juguetes de edición limitada y para coleccionistas con costos que pueden ir desde los $6 dólares y hasta los $20,000 dólares, puso a la venta estos monitos que rápidamente se convirtieron en un fenómeno cultural.

Pueden encontrar sucursales de Kidrobot por todo Estados Unidos, la más bonita en mi opinión es la que está en San francisco, si van por ahí no olviden visitar la zona de Haight, famosa por sus cafés, tiendas de discos y por si fuera poco es un icono de la cultura Hippie, en Haight y Ashbury encontrarán la tienda de kidrobot. Pero si no te quieres marchar a San Francisco, ahora puedes conseguir tu ejemplar en steel.

Los diseños de los Munny Dolls van desde lo abstracto hasta lo más barroco, han sido un lienzo en blanco para diseñadores y animosos de todo el mundo que han creado cosas muy interesantes.

La opción de añadirles piezas modeladas en epóxica ha hecho que las posibilidades sean infinitas, por supuesto que el cine es la principal fuente de ideas para la creación de estos juguetes, a continuación les pongo una galería de los Munnys salidos de películas, por supuesto siendo yo quien ha hecho la selección he elegido los salidos de películas de terror y ciencia ficción.
Se agradece este ingenio artista en un mundo dominado por los ordenadores y los programas de diseño. Ni que decir tiene que cada uno de estos ejemplares es único e inigualable. Dando rienda suelta al artista que cada uno llevamos dentro se pueden conseguir cosas verdaderamente bonitas.

Pronto incluiremos tutoriales de como convertir nuestro pequeño Munny.
Espero que disfruten con la seleccion.

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Limited Silver Pentax K7

I have always wished for a "retro" camera styled like the analog film cameras of yesterday. Like Peter Parker on a news beat, or simply the vintage styling from the cameras of a forgotten era. This is truly a gem I am lusting for.

A K7 with the trio of the Pentax FA Limited Primes (77, 43, & 31mm f1.8) is truly a collectors dream!

Images Courtesy of:

US Army Bases Now Doubling as Wildlife Refuges

The DOD continues to amaze me. A few months back, I posted here about the alternative energy policies the Department of Defense was promoting, and how the United States Military is set to become one of the worlds largest consumers of renewable fuels. At the time, while I was certainly surprised to see support for renewables coming from the same people currently fighting two wars for petroleum resources (c'mon people, there are other reasons as well, but oil played a major part in these conflicts), it did make sense to me: the military is acutely aware that petroleum is a limited resource, and they know from firsthand experience the huge drawbacks of having to transport heavy, liquid fuel with them everywhere they go. Whatever else you might say about the US military, they are pretty darn good at doing their job, and in this case they saw that one of the tools required to do that job is a more efficient energy source. So I applauded their efforts, relished the idea of having a new, powerful ally in the fight for renewable energy, and assumed it would be the last time I heard positive environmental news from the military. So imagine my surprise to read the following in yesterdays NYT:

"In the early years of the administration of President George W. Bush, the military lobbied Congress for limited exemptions from federal protection rules. Today, herculean efforts to save threatened species are unfolding at dozens of military sites across the nation, from Eglin, Fla., where the Air Force has restored and reconnected streams for the Okaloosa darter, to San Clemente Island, Calif., where the Navy has helped bring the loggerhead shrike back from the brink of extinction. "

Are you f*%&ing kidding me?

Apparently not. It seems that the same people who defend sonar heavy anti-submarine military exercises which can cause whales and dolphins to literally go insane and beach themselves have a soft spot for animals after all. According to The Times:

"The military has not always been so enthusiastic about saving endangered plants and animals, arguing that doing so would hinder its battle preparedness. But post commanders have gradually realized that working to help species rebound is in their best interest, if only because the more the endangered plants and animals thrive, the fewer restrictions are put on training exercises to avoid destroying habitat."

So maybe not exactly a moral victory, but a victory for wildlife nonetheless. After all, from 2004 to 2008, the DOD spent $300 million to protect endangered species. That is more than it spent in the previous 10 years combined. Not exactly chump change.

So, once again, I tip my hat to the US Military. Way to go guys.

Picture provided by Филби's ПРОПАГАНДА ?

New Balance Made in England.

Para los que no pudisteis haceros con un par de estas 1300 ahora es el momento. No vamos a decir que es una autentica novedad por que no lo es. Su lanzamiento fue hace 2 temporadas, pero estas 1300 respiran aires muy frescos en sus combinaciones de colores. Todo un clásico/moderno hecho íntegramente en Inglaterra, su altísima calidad en los materiales mezclado con altas dosis de tecnología fuerzan a que no pueda faltar en el ya clásico cuadro de steel Limited Editions.



Saturday, February 20, 2010



Come to The Board Room and check out the latest styles in long boards from Sector 9. Dont see one that you like? Give us a call and we'll special order that specific model you want.

Friday, February 19, 2010

VOLCOM jeans

condition: NEW without tag
size: 30
price : RM280 (nego)