I had made several friends over the years while visiting, but it was time to dive head first and meet my photo peers.
The timing couldn't have been anymore perfect. With the Launch of the Kr/K5 internationally, I was invited to express my thoughts and experiences with the latest equipment.
The group was a happy bunch. With only 25 who initially signed up, the show blossomed into well over 80 people forcing the hall to "standing room only" Special Thanks to head of Marketing Ms. Apple Chua Yap and VP Robenson Ong of Camerahaus for inviting me to speak on behalf of their new cameras.
Afterwards we were treated to Starbucks Iced Lattes and fantastic Donuts... (I am a donut fiend) and got a chance to catch up with old friends and test out the latest gear.
I look forward to seeing you all again this December 3 at Greenbelt. (click to enlarge)