I tried on the Paradise Long short. They were actually very nice - light and airy feeling. They also have a little stretch to them. I still don't care for the eyelet trim but I might consider them if they go on markdown but not at full price.
I attempted to try on the Loop de Lulu dress. I am normally a twelve in most tops but size down to a ten occasionally. I had heard the Loop de Lulu ran tight in the bust and people aren't kidding. I think this dress only goes to a ten or at least that is what my store had. The top part of the dress is extremely tight and it got stuck on the upper portion of my chest. I think most people are going to have to size up in this dress no matter how busty they are or aren't. I thought the dress was very heavy, also. It's just not something I'd choose on hot summer days. I'll post some more educator photos of it, but I also think it makes most people's hips look bigger than they are.
My store also got the new Pranayama tanks in. What a gorgeous, sexy tank. I tried the ten on but of course I was spilling out all over the place. Too bad lulu can't make versions of the Pranayama and Full Eagle for bustier ladies with larger cups. The sheer luon bottom portion is light and airy and feels so nice against your skin. I just love the look of this tank. If you have the shape for this tank and are looking for something for hot yoga or hot summer days, give this tank a try.
I gave the Backbend crops another try but the SCP store just got in a shipment of the Heathered Blurred Gray Define Jackets:
I wore my new Heathered Blurred Gray Scoop Neck tank to spin today. The HBG material is so soft and I love the color. I thought it felt pretty cool (breathability and wicking-wise) for spin class. The material content is 45% polyester, 42% nylon, and 13% spandex. My other stores have been out of the HBG Defines for awhile now and it hasn't shown up on the website but it was at SCP today. I decided to get it. I also got the Pink Mist Energy Bra.