I bought a pair of these jeans a few months ago and they are awesome. They are made from reclaimed denim mixed with denim made from white oak during the "reclaiming process" (I have no idea what that entails).
Anyway, they are reclaimed, which is cool, and they are made the way denim was originally made, so that it changes color depending on where it is "stressed." Basically, that means that your jeans will start to have marks from where you use them most - so if you always keep your cell phone in your left pocket, an outline of your cell phone will begin to show up there. Pretty cool concept. Mine have a nice square patch in my back right pocket where I keep my wallet, and the bottom of the right pant leg is faded from where I roll them up to bike around town. Pretty sweet theory -- my jeans, in time, have become a reflection of me. I like that.
Image provided by Volcom