So last week all two of you and my mom may have noticed that the blog was severely neglected. That is because, as previously stated, I was in Las Vegas for the
POOLTRADESHOW with my pals Abraham and Rachel, the muscle behind the superbrand
UNO Industries. Below are several fairly unrepresentative photos of the chaos that is registering, building, setting up, and selling at a trade show.

On Monday morning, I took a cab from the airport to the Planet Hollywood Hotel (awful place, don't stay there). After a quick change of clothes, I was picked up curbside by a U-Haul panel truck. As there were five of us for set-up day, I took my place in the back of the truck with the lumber and Oscar, the outside construction consultant who was gracious enough to help out. Riding in the back of a dark panel truck is scary, and also dangerous: I nearly lost a leg to flying lumber and shifting tools. Thankfully Abraham is a skilled truck driver and these uncomfortable incidents were kept to a minimum.
The Canvas
We arrived at the LVCC, which is probably about the size of downtown Minneapolis, at around noon. Making this logistical nightmare all the more fun was the fact that UNO had two booths at the show, each on opposite sides of the convention center. After shuffling materials from one booth to another, the building process began in earnest. After several hours, some ill-fated experimentation with tables and drop-cloths, and a splinter or two, we had the foundation in place. Day one in Vegas ended with a $14 club sandwich and me snoring loudly.
The Agony
The Product 
Tuesday. Opening day of the show. Madness. The guys from
Homage constructed a beer pong table, the fur was flying, and I spent 3 hours driving around in the panel truck looking for a phantom Home Depot. In my defense, my iPhone map is clearly not up to date. After locating a store in a distant location, I made my way back to the show and began demonstrating to looky-loos and serious buyers alike the magic that is UNO magnetic jewelery. Day 2 ended with the best Cuban sandwich I've ever had, the opening night party at Beauty Bar, and some intense craps at Caesar's with Abe and Terrence.

Creative Differences
Wednesday... sick. Desert air? I don't know, but I had a head cold to beat the band (what the hell does that even mean?). I slept in and let the professionals handle the show. I had lunch and dinner with my cousin, who works for
MC2, who ironically build trade show displays... I learned a great deal about the trade show business and assault weapons, as well as a powerful lesson that upsetting my cousin could be a terrifying prospect. Ah, the Dahlens...
Thursday, and its getting to be about that time. I pack up and help out on the last day of the show. UNO is huge in Japan, and so am I.