Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Facebook Profile Picture Project

In the menu options to the right today, you will see two new additions that are probably more of a distraction than anything else, but I really like them so there they are.

Both are evolutions of stuff that I post on Facebook. The first, Bill's Song of the Day, is pretty self-explanatory, but it is a really exciting development for this website because I've now figured out how to embed HTML code - this means more retail-specific video content posted going forward. (Click here for an example)

The second item is Bill's Facebook Profile Picture Project, which started when I began updating my Facebook profile pictures with (what were at the time) random photos of other people. Over time, though, this has evolved into a cultural mosaic of my influences (covering movies, people, music, places, etc.) and - with weekly additions - is growing all the time.

