Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Product Alert Photos & Make It Right Letter

The Bow Tee photo from the product alert emails. Interesting that lulu shows it with an Energy bra. I think it's the cutest thing to put under it. I don't really see wearing this tee as a workout tee but as a cover up after a class.

Black Seabed Lively Tee - I like it but do I need a third item in this print? Hmmm.

The new web model of the Still Short look so much better than the old one:

I really would like some Wren Still Shorts.

A "Make It Right" letter was emailed out to those whose orders went astray. My package has still not shown up. I can see why it might have gotten lost. It's only a headband so it's a fairly small package. Any of you not get your April 15/16th orders yet?