Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Monday June 21st 2010 is Go Skateboarding Day and to celebrate
Flavour has joined forces with Peterborough Longboarding & Sector 9 to bring you:

(drum roll please...)

The River Cross Poker Run!

Come one and all, longboards and skateboards.
Any board with trucks and wheels is welcome by us.
There will be free food and hydration as well!

Team registration starts at 10:30 and goes to 12noon @ FLAVOUR
The fun begins at High Noon and will run until 2 or 3pm.

WIN wicked prizes from Flavour & Sector 9 including: Hard goods and soft goods! Completes, wheels, slide gloves, tees, hats, stickers and more!

and guess what?!
It's Absolutely FREE!

Wondering how it works?
Well basically there will be a course set up around the cityand at each check point you'll receive a card.At the end of the course who ever has the BEST poker hand...WINS!

If you have any questions feel free to email us at: flavourfashion@gmail.com